The picture of Deathline

Gig next Thursday 9th Nov


Thanks to everyone who came to the Hope & Anchor last week for our first gig. We're doing it all again at the Bull & Gate in Kentish Town next Thursday 9th November, and it would be great to see everyone again.

It'll cost you £4 with this flyer, or £5 without. We have the 9.30pm middle slot in between the excellent electro punk of Sam Amant and the Cramps-y RNR of Zombie Met Girl. We really hope you can make it down.

Check out the look and feel of Deathline at our MySpace page.

> Bull & Gate:
> Flyer:
> Deathline MySpace:

Upcoming gigs:
> Sunday 3rd December - Lark in the Park
> Wednesday 13th December - Rock n Roll ain't Noise Pollution Xmas party, The Pool Bar, Hoxton

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