» Deathline gig again next Sunday 4th February

Print this flyer for £1 off at the door

Happy New Year everyone!
Here at Deathline HQ, we've not only survived the festive period, we've come back stronger, like Rocky Balboa except not quite as fat and old. To celebrate, we're inviting everyone to come and retox with us on Sunday 4th February at the venerable old Dublin Castle in Camden Town.

We believe in value for money here at Deathline acres, so the flyer above gets you a whole pound off when presented at the door, which surely must be worth at least a third of a pint of lager inside! Yes! Stage time is 8.30pm.

As usual, we would more than value your attendance. We would crave it. If we could, we would command it. But we can't. So we crave it.

More upcoming gigs
» Wednesday 7th March - Carling Academy Islington supporting Electric Six
» Thursday 12th April - Kabarett Spielraum @ The Good Ship, Kilburn, London

Check out the smell of Deathline at our MySpace page.

Last time round, the wonderful April Angell came and took some great shots of us at the Pool Bar. Here are the results. If you want to come and shoot us, get in touch - we'd love to meet you!

And now you can even touch Jennie's hair for free in Second Life! Yes, "Jennie Deadlight" and "Kaoru Deadlight" are now at large in the cracktacular virtual flesh. Join our Second Life group, cunningly named "Deathline" for news of virtual world appearances. How very bloody modern...

That's it for now.

Bang! You're dead.

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