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» New photos, new Facebook, new song + free downloads!

Deathline by Stewart Ruffles

We've done some rather cool new photos (↑) with the amazing Stewart Ruffles which we urge you to check out on our MySpace, and also in this album which you can see on our brand new Facebook page!

That's right, we're on that other network now, so no one's safe anymore. Please add us (Become a "fan") if you can. It's terribly good for our egos..

Also on our Facebook is an EXCLUSIVE rough mix of one of our new songs, "Lacka Lacka (Firecracka)". The first person to tell us what exactly that means will probably explode or something.

Meanwhile, back on our MySpace, we've made ALL FIVE SONGS ON OUR PLAYER DOWNLOADABLE TILL CHRISTMAS. We're nice like that. The songs there are five-sixths of the "Rock Noir" EP that we gave away free throughout our US tour this summer. Now everyone can have it! We've only left out the weird short song that Kaoru sings...

Remember that we play Artrocker Club on Tuesday December 18th (↓). See you there!


» Smell

Check out the smell of Deathline at our Facebook, or our MySpace and visit Deathline's home in Second Life! Deathline are now also available at There's a free MP3 download of "I Cannot See" at

Bang! You're dead.

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DeathlineNews 30/11/07

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