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» February kicks off at The Enterprise (Fri 8th)

photo by Stew Ruffles

Noir rocking "21st Century Sonny and Cher" duo Deathline kick off February by playing the first of two gigs in Camden. First up it's Club Raven at The Enterprise in Chalk Farm, organised by and starring the lovely oddrockers Raven Beats Crow whose sonic stylings will be music to the ears of Super Furry Animals and Deerhoof fans. They will also be music to the ears of music lovers everywhere. And music to the ears to everyone else too. They make music. For ears.

Bringing up the rear are lunatic sea shanty merchants Captain Blood Blood and The Sea Dogs who will shiver your timbers no doubt if you buy them a tot of rum. Or even if you don't buy them a tot of rum, probably.

It's going to be great. See you there!

Club Raven @ The Enterprise
Friday 8th Feb 008
doors 8pm.
2 Haverstock Hill, Camden NW3 2BL, opposite Chalk Fram Tube pretty much (map)

Club Raven flyer

Later in the month we play club Glasswerk at The Purple Turtle (Sat 23rd). More details shortly on that one. We're also working on a whole bunch of new songs. Expect to start hearing them peppering our set soon...

» Smell

Check out the smell of Deathline at our Facebook, or our MySpace and visit Deathline's home in Second Life! Deathline are now also available at There's a free MP3 download of "I Cannot See" at

Bang! You're dead.

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DeathlineNews 30/01/08

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